October 17, 2019

KWIK Portable Type 2 Charger | 10m | 32 Amp | 22kW

10m Extralong Portable Type 2 EV Charging Cable 22kW 32 Amp 3 Phase with Australian 5 pin plug. Compact, Mobile, & Convenient. Why bother with slow portable charging when you...
May 7, 2019

10 Reasons to Own an Electric Car

10 Reasons to buy an Electric Vehicle   1: ELECTRIC CARS ARE COOL EV’s are new technology that captures peoples imagination. They’re almost completely silent, and deliver an instant torque sensation....
May 6, 2019

5 Reasons to Choose a Keba Wallbox for Work

5 Reasons why a Keba Universal Wallbox is your best option for charging EV’s at work or in public 1)   You can charge any EV on the road. Current electric...
May 6, 2019

Finally released….Model 3 Tesla Australia

Tesla Model 3 | Tesla Australia – The World’s Most anticipated Electric Vehicle is Finally here! Last week Elon Musk Finally launched the car which the world has been waiting...
May 6, 2019

Can I Charge my Electric Vehicle in the Rain?

Discover essential tips for charging your electric vehicle during rainy weather without compromising safety. Can you safely use your EV charger to charge your Electric Vehicle in the Rain? Your...
May 6, 2019

Portable Electric Vehicle Chargers – Are they enough?

Can I get by with a Portable EV Charger or do I need an EV Charging Station?Occasional Use Charger, Trickle Charger, Emergency Charger, or Portable EV charger, these names all...
May 6, 2019

What is the state of Electric Vehicles in Australia

What is the current state of Electric Vehicles uptake and EVSE infrastructure in Australia?Despite global electric vehicle sales growing rapidly year on year, Australian electric vehicle sales are languishing behind...
May 6, 2019

The three things that need to happen for electric vehicles in Australia

Top 3 things needed to stimulate the Australian EV Market into Action Electric vehicle usage across the world is growing year on year. According to the International Energy Agency, the...
May 6, 2019

Will the Hyundai Ioniq become Australia’s favourite Electric Vehicle?

The Hyundai Ioniq Electric (BEV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) will change the gameIn 2018, Hyundai Australia is looking to give the mass market electric vehicle segment a real...
May 6, 2019

Renault Australia to begin rolling out ZOE and Kangoo to Private Buyers

Expect to see many more Renault ZOE and Renault Kangoo EV’s at a Renault charging station near youRenault Australia released their highly anticipated ZOE and Kangoo ZE into the commercial...
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