Wollongong Central Shopping centre not just filling up trolleys, but now electric vehicles with the installation of a KEBA Universal Wallbox and Tesla EV charger.

This week Wollongong Central Shopping Centre, located at 71 Market St Wollongong, finished the installation of their very first collection of electric vehicle charging stations.
With the help of EVSE Australia Wollongong got its latest Electric car chargers with a 22kW Universal Wallbox installed which will allow open access to any EV on the road today. The system requires a driver to bring their own charging cable, or conversely they can borrow a loan cable from the shopping centre management.
The center also installed two dedicated Tesla EV chargers in the adjacent stations allowing for up to 3 EV’s to charge at any one time. This installation is yet another way in which Wollongong central is looking to create a unique shopping atmosphere for its customers who already have a first class shopping experience.
This project represents another positive step forward for the support of Electric vehicle technology across the wider community. Well done to Wollongong Central Shopping center, part of the GPT group for their fantastic project and support of low emission vehicles. EVSE Australia is confident that the Wollongong Central EV charger bay will become a favored top up spot for locals and tourists alike.
Visit Wollongong Central at https://www.wollongongcentral.com.au/
Shop EV chargers and Keba at EVSE Australia