Net Zero plan stage 1: How the uptake of electric vehicle fleets will reduce carbon emissions and empower the electric vehicle sector.

How does driving an electric vehicle reduce the states carbon emissions.
The Net Zero Plan highlighted vehicles as the 2nd largest emitter of greenhouse gasses in NSW. For the NSW government to achieve their net zero goal by 2050 it needs to enforce strategies to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted from vehicles.
Vehicle emissions fall in two categories: operating and energy gathering. The operating emissions come via the evaporation from the fuel system and during the fuelling process and includes nitrogen oxides and other toxic chemicals which pollute the air. EVs produce zero short term emissions which improves the overall air quality. Whilst plug in hybrid electric vehicles still produce short-term emissions via their petrol engine, these emissions are significantly reduced when compared to a traditional internal combustion engine.
Energy gathering emissions are the pollution emitted through fuel gathering. This includes the process to which petroleum is taken from the ground and is placed into the petrol bowser. All vehicles produce energy gathering emission, however EVs on average produce fewer emissions. This is because the electricity generation cycle produces less than the gasoline or diesel cycle. The electricity generation cycle can be further minimised when using renewable sources of energy to power Electric vehicle charging like solar, wind or hydro power. From a charging perspective, having a renewable energy source powering your vehicle is the best way to minimise your vehicles greenhouse gas emissions.
How Fleets can defeat every barrier in the Australian electric vehicle industry
It is important to understand the problems in the Australian electric vehicle industry, and how we compare against the world leaders of electric vehicles, Norway.
NSW vs the world in electric vehicles.
Price Points
As the table above highlights, electric vehicles in Australia are very expensive and are at a price point which is just out of reach for the average Australian. Australia’s electric vehicle reseller market is non-existent, as the average electric vehicle has a higher reseller price when compared to its internal combustion counterpart. There is a lack of cars being resold in the market, due to most electric vehicles being purchased in the last three years. One of the NSW government’s strategies to counteract this is to make 30% of their electric vehicles electric or plug in hybrid, with 10% being fully electric vehicles. The estimated 4000 vehicles purchased by 2023, aims to increase the supply and to decrease the price for electric vehicles in NSW. It will create a reseller electric vehicle market in NSW, when these vehicles get traded in. This highlights how a large fleet can help impact the growth of this environmentally innovative solution.
EV Chargers available
The government aims to increase its amount of charging stations in NSW. Further details of this plan will be produced in the Vehicle Infrastructure and Model Availability Program. This plan aims to accelerate the growth of the electric vehicle market in New South Wales. This program is listed as a high priority program for bilateral funding. Electric fleets will increase the number of electric cars on the Australia road, which will incentivise companies and local councils to install more chargers, hence increasing the number of chargers available.
Models available
NSW currently has 22 vehicles available for purchase in Australia. Details about this will be included in the Climate Solutions Fund, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Model Availability Program. These documents will include incentives that will encourage fleet owners to purchase electric vehicles, it will increase bulk purchasing in Australia and will incentivise car importers to sell a more diverse range of electric vehicles. This increased supply will lower the price point for an electric vehicle which along side the diverse range, will increase electric vehicle sales rates.
Making your fleet electric will save the environment, as it will be powered by clean energy and not through petroleum. An electric fleet will accelerate the EV economy by increasing the supply of electric vehicles, creating a reseller market, increasing the amount of chargers alongside creating a more diverse range of electric vehicles on our roads. Electric vehicle fleets have many benefits which go beyond helping the greater community, this includes the cheaper costs, having the ability to monitor all your charging sessions as well as improving your buildings green rating. For more information on why your fleet should go electric feel free to read the following article or to call EVSE on 1300 406 210.
Could Electrifying your fleet save you $800,000 ?
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