Go Green with an electric car charging station by EVSE

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Go Green with an electric car charging station by EVSE

When the gasoline engine was first invented in the latter half of the nineteenth century I doubt those early inventors and adopters realized just how much it would shape our world. However, around a century and a half later the effects of this creation could not be more painfully obvious. Automobiles have become the standard mode of transportation of much of the modern world. It is estimated that there are over a billion cars on the road today. While the prominence of cars has revolutionized transportation, it has also had a major impact on our environment. With automobiles spewing billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere per year it is clear that this model is not sustainable. However, people still need to get around so something has to come in to replace the automobile. The development of electric powered cars has been a major step in the right direction but some practical issues seem to keep popping up. One of these is the inability to find an electric charging station in many locations. However here in Australia there is a company making it easier to get a high-quality electric charging station installed. That company is EVSE and we are here to provide for all your electric vehicle charging station needs!

Choosing the right electric car charger

Not all electric cars are built the exact same way. The rate at which your battery can charge is based both on the charger on the vehicle itself as well as the rate of the external charging station. As a general rule, we recommend you install a 32-amp level 2 charger to allow for any future upgrades to your vehicle. EVSE provides three levels of charging, L1, L2, and L3. L1 chargers are recommended for people who drive hybrid cars, such as a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, or for those who drive fairly infrequently. In fact, EVSE recommends only choosing this charger if you less than 4000 kilometres per year. Level 2 charging is exponentially faster than Level 1 as it uses a much higher voltage and amperage rate. However, because it uses more volts and amps it requires much more durable equipment to handle that strain as well as to control the increased heat generated while charging. Level 3 chargers require extensive panel upgrades and is the most expensive option. While these chargers are fairly rapid, about 70 kilometres of range per 10 minutes of charging, they also use more electricity than the average home. This charging station is best used for fleet vehicles or commercial use. No matter which product of ours you choose, you can be assured that our entire line is compliant with Australian & International standards, ensuring safety & reliable high performance and is compatible with almost all the leading brands in electric cars.

Quality EV Charger Installation

Our qualified electricians will install your new charging station and confirm that all of the new equipment conforms to the latest regulations and standards in Australia. We provide a full inspection of electrical equipment before installation, as well as a startup inspection once everything is installed. We provide on-site electrical consultations across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth to meet Australian and local standards. Our friendly and helpful staff are dedicated to ensuring that your installation process goes smoothly. We are here for you at every step of the process and can provide you with the guidance to make sure the job gets done right the first time.

About EVSE

EVSE believes that the private sector has the ability to bring about a positive change in the world. The future we fight for is a green sustainable world, powered by new and innovative technology. We believe we can help achieve that future by encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles; and bringing the equipment to charge them to the market for an affordable price. Our team of experts is committed to getting you the quality equipment you desire for a fair price. We are happy to answer any questions that may come up. We are Australia’s #1 Supplier and Installer of Universal Electric Vehicle Chargers or EV specific chargers for Tesla, Nissan, BMW and all leading EV manufacturers. So if you are in need of charging equipment for your electric vehicles call EVSE today!

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