NSW BEV Fleet Grant

A payment scheme to help eligible organisations purchase BEV and smart chargers. Round 5 closes 30 June 2025.

General Overview

  • This grant covers both purchases of EV’s and 1 x smart charger per BEV purchased
  • BEV’s must be purchased brand new
  • Only BEV’s are included in funding; other vehicle types like petrol, diesel and hybrids are not eligible
  • EV charging Hardware and software must be listed on NSW approved list
  • Minimum fleet size of 3 or more to be eligible

Read here for more information

Eligible organisations include but are not limited to:

Private Businesses

Non-gov / not for profit organisations

Local councils

State owned corporations

Gov agencies in NSW

Car rentals

Car share companies

Taxi owners, including individuals or organisations that operate 1 or more licensed taxis

Main purpose of this grant

  • Bridge initial CAPEX investment towards EV’s to make them more affordable to match the upfront costs of owning and operating petrol/diesel vehicles. This should help accelerate state uptake of EV’s amongst fleet operators.
  • Achieve greatest levels of emissions abatement at the lowest cost to the NSW Government.
  • Support the development of a strong second-hand market for EV’s.
  • Promote uptake of smart charging measures across the network.

EV Vehicle Criteria 

  • PV’s, SUV’s, light commercial vehicle’s up to 4.5 Tonnes and light duty trucks up to 4.5 tonnes.
  • Price capped at $89,332 incl. GST
  • It may be used for a combination of fleet ops + commercial although most of the usage must be for fleet ops.
  • The vehicle is to be ordered on or after the 12th of November 2024.
  • They must be outright purchases; they cannot be novated leased.

EV Charger criteria 

  • Chargers can be installed either at the business or at home.
  • Chargers can either be purchased outright or CaaS.
  • Level 2 chargers and above only. Level 1 “trickle” chargers not included.

There are 2 types of funding available as follows:


You can only apply for rebates under one of the two funds: not both.

Applications are per BEV and its rego; if the same BEV has had an application in a previous round, it is now ineligible for funding under this grant.

Kick-Start funding 

  • Targeted at smaller fleets to ease the transition into EVs before a larger transition.
  • First come; First-serve basis with capped funding.
  • Must have at least 1 x licensed Taxi or have a fleet of at least 3 vehicles – both EVs and non-EVs included.
  • You can claim a max rebate for up to 15 EVs under this grant.
  •  Kick Starter Fund’s goal is to allow trialling EVs into your fleet before a bigger commitment.
  • Capped incentive payouts per vehicle as follows:
  • Round 5 Electric Vehicle Fleet Incentive Vehicle Category For Kick Start Funding
  • If you have had previous round applications for any BEVs within your fleet, say for example 6. You can now apply for the remainder to a maximum of 15. So, in this case, 15 – 6 = 9 vehicles in this round of funding.

Competitive Bid Funding 

This was the original grant under Round 3 last year and is targeted at fleets seeking a larger transition into EV’s – i.e. 11 or more

New eligibility criteria for this bid:

  • A minimum fleet size of 21 vehicles – up from 10 in the last round.
  • Funding is available for 11 or more EVs within that fleet.
  • No need to finish POs for your purchases as part of the application
    process, though the department may request fleet operators to provide
    this information along the process or at a later date.
  • Vehicles used for a reasonable amount of personal use are eligible if the
    vehicle registered is under a company name & ABN.
  • No longer need to be powered by renewable energy as an evaluation
  • Capped incentive payouts per vehicle as follows:

Competitive Bid Funding Continued

Applicants ranked against other applicants based on CO2 abated. Lowest abated CO2 fleets get higher preference.

  • i.e. how much is the government having to co-fund to abate per tonne of CO2 for that fleet
  • Fleets with the lower quoted CO2 abatement will be favoured
  • Example calculation below:

Nsw Fleet Grant July

Applications closed for Competitive Bid Funding: Friday 17th of January 2025

Applications close for Kick-start Funding: Monday 30th of June 2025

Applicants fall under two categories here:

Individual Fleet: Operate a fleet of 21 or more vehicles in NSW and are a type of organisation described in section 1 above.

Aggregator: An aggregator is an organisation that applies on behalf of other NSW Fleets. Aggregators apply on behalf of the fleet operators and must pass on benefits to the fleet.


For more info click here

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